
Showing posts from December, 2016

Key Moment of Suspense from the Sixth Sense- 1

Composition Ambient lighting is used because it make the scene very dark which helps to make the atmosphere appear more eerie. Additionally, Cole is wearing little white pants and a white vest. White is usually associated with the theme of innocence and therefore foreshadows when something bad happens in the upcoming clips, he will be the victim. Another aspect to build up suspense is the red tent. Red is associated with the theme of danger which again could foreshadow what is going to happen in the upcoming scenes. A clip that effectively builds up suspense is when you can see Cole's breath, this shows it is cold and makes the scene feel tense and also that his shoulders are hunched shows he is frightened. Camera Angles A medium longshot is used to portray Cole with his bedroom in the background and this is where you get the first insight of his red tent. Then there is a medium longshot of Cole going to the toilet. This is used to show how Cole is oblivious to what is going on

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

Filming Originally our filming was very time consuming as we spent a lot of time having discussions about shots and various conversations which needed to take place within our short film. After we had done this we went to upload but this was unsuccessful. However, when we came back to attempt to re-upload we were unable to find the camera with the correct memory card in. This was bad because it set us back in terms of time and what we had planned to do had to be readjusted slightly. Despite this, when we re-filmed we were much more successful because there were less discussions and we were more aware of what we were doing. This meant we spent more time focusing on the actual quality of the filming and not what we were doing. This was beneficial to us because it was easier to spot blurring mistakes or if the camera tilted slightly. The shot that were unsuccessful with was the over the shoulder shot. This was unsuccessful because the person doing the acting (me) popped up in a sim