Evaluation of Preliminary Task

Originally our filming was very time consuming as we spent a lot of time having discussions about shots and various conversations which needed to take place within our short film. After we had done this we went to upload but this was unsuccessful. However, when we came back to attempt to re-upload we were unable to find the camera with the correct memory card in. This was bad because it set us back in terms of time and what we had planned to do had to be readjusted slightly. Despite this, when we re-filmed we were much more successful because there were less discussions and we were more aware of what we were doing. This meant we spent more time focusing on the actual quality of the filming and not what we were doing. This was beneficial to us because it was easier to spot blurring mistakes or if the camera tilted slightly. The shot that were unsuccessful with was the over the shoulder shot. This was unsuccessful because the person doing the acting (me) popped up in a similar way to a jack in the box and this made the shot look very unnatural. Additionally, the pan shot right at the beginning was also unsuccessful because the camera tilted slightly and it looked silly. 

The editing we found was a lot easier than I had originally thought it would be. We were able to quickly load everything together. We then spent sometime analysing each clip closely to spot any mistakes or cuts that we needed to make. There was an issue doing this because, as a group, we sometimes didn't always agree on cuts or edits we had to make. After a bit of help from Mrs Harris we were able to make a decision on our disagreement. Additionally, there were a lot of issues with the continuity of the clips. Next time I will improve on this by spending more time on filming to allow this to be of a much higher quality. To improve next time, I want to make the editing a more lengthy process. This means I would like to be more adventurous with effects and transitions. This will make the quality better. 

Next time
Next time we would spend more time filming to ensure the accuracy of our filming is better. Additionally, we will remember to keep hold of our camera card so we don't lose our footage and have to re-film. This will also save time and give us more time to do other things such as plan and edit. Another thing which we need to do next time is to work collaboratively to resolve conflict over cuts or edits. This is something, which as a group, I know will improve over time the more we work together and get used to being in each others' company. 


  1. You have highlighted here the various issues that you had with time management and group discussions. You have commented on 1 or 2 shots and their impact. What could you have improved in those shots to make them work? Your opening is rather blurred too. Does that work? If so why?
    Mrs H


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