Key Moments of Suspense from the Sixth Sense- 3

This is the clip just after Cole has told his Mum he sees dead people. It is the build up to her getting upset.

Slow pace editing is used to build suspense because it shows the effect of the news on Cole's mother and how she is absorbing it. It also shows building suspense because it creates the impression there will be some external reaction coming up. Additionally, the use of continuity editing helps to show each character's reaction to what the opposite character is saying.

The only sound that features in this clip is diegetic sound. The diegetic sound is the dialogue of Cole and Cole's mother. Cole's mother's dialogue builds suspense because she has long breaks between each time she speaks. This shows her shock. Cole's dialogue is spoken in a slightly whisper and quick tone. This shows his anticipation of his mother's external reaction.

Camera Angles
The use of close up shots for the entirety of the clip keeps it very familiar so the audience aren't going to expect any change. This is also used to build suspense because it shows how the emotions of both characters differ as the clip progresses.

Ambient lighting is used to build suspense so show they are in a very normal situation. Additionally the setting of a character creates a level of familiarity with the audience as everyone has sat in a car in traffic before. This can make the characters more relatable for the audience. The effect of Cole's mother wearing a reddy coloured jumper could imply their is a relation with the devil which creates suspense. The effect of Cole wearing a black coat could associated him with dead people as he has revealed he can see dead people.


  1. Some good analysis of how the suspense is built here, Hannah. I particularly like the analysis of the clothes.

    Be careful to proof read what you have written - close ups make the scene more intimate rather than familiar.
    Mrs H.


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