
Showing posts from February, 2017

Creating the soundtrack

Our experience with the music has been a positive one. We spent a lot of time scrolling through YouTube trying to find something which portrayed the mood of our opening and would partner the intensity of our filming. In the end we chose a sound track called 'Conspiracy'. We chose this soundtrack because we liked the pace of the music and how it travelled with our filming. Additionally, it didn't appear affected if we cut it or split it up; it still flowed nicely. We did ask permission from the composer and he has allowed us to use the music as long as we credited him which we have done. Additionally, it follows the same pattern of music and flows in the same way.

Film Editing Experience

So far creating our editing experience has been a very long one and will only get longer as we continue through! Particularly with the filming in collaboration, its been pretty manic because we have filmed then started editing as a group, then rewatched and realised we needed to do more filming or refilm something which has made the editing journey lengthen out a lot. Through out the entirety of our editing journey so far we have all taken a fair share in editing. There have been certain days where just two will edit whilst the other two focus on their blogs but for the majority its been all of us sitting together and making the decisions regarding the editing together as a group. This has worked really well as any disagreements have been able to be discussed before there was any permanent damage which has also benefited our time tracking skills as we haven't had more time than necessary redoing things which has given us more time to film and thoroughly edit. One of the issues we

Institutional Research

Title and Font research

Location analysis

 Living room The living room is a crucial room in our opening as its the room where all of April's friends and family come together to watch the news report which confirms her disappearance. Additionally, its the scene in which the audience witness the effect of April's disappearance on her younger sister Poppy. We chose to film a section of the opening in the living room as there is sofas for people to sit which was appropriate as there was a lot of April's friends and family and it was a place of distress. Additionally, the setting of a living room juxtaposes the atmosphere created by April's disappearance. Bedroom The bedroom is the room where the audience get their first view of April. Its the scene in which April has the phone call which causes her to leave to her and then go missing. The bedroom is significant because it helps set the character of April. The mise-en-scene shaped April as a person and who she was about. This was the setting we chose to fil

Props and Costume analysis

Props Red van- This symbolises April's disappearance because its the crucial object which is present during her disappearance and its open to the audience's own interpretations as to where they believe she's gone during the opening. The News Report- This is really important in the opening as it defines how the disappearance has affected April's family and tells the audience there is a global search for April. April's phone- This was featured in the first showings of April as it was the thing that almost caused her disappearance and the phone call she had with her friend made her leave her house and then she disappeared. Costumes April Greene A khaki jacket Vans Dark jeans A red backpack A black top We have chosen for April to be dressed like this because its quite a typical teenage look like she is meant to be portrayed as. Also we didn't want to over dress her because she is meant to appear quite normal and not particularly significant until h

Analysis of Pitch feedback

Here is our pitch presentation: The feedback we got from our pitch was: The class liked the name of 'Red Van' and wanted to know the meaning behind it. Miss Court commented on how she liked our match on match shot of how the van drives past and April disappears. She wanted us to think about the duration of each frame which is something we've considered when we have been devising our story boards. Our peers tried to help us choose a title for our film opening but its still yet to be decided, although that isn't an issue at the moment. From this I can confirm that the title 'Red Van' isn't going to be used although the meaning behind it was because we are using a red van and we also had planned to incorporate red features within our the opening as a hidden meaning. However, we decided this would take the focus away from the actual storyline of the opening.