Film Editing Experience

So far creating our editing experience has been a very long one and will only get longer as we continue through! Particularly with the filming in collaboration, its been pretty manic because we have filmed then started editing as a group, then rewatched and realised we needed to do more filming or refilm something which has made the editing journey lengthen out a lot. Through out the entirety of our editing journey so far we have all taken a fair share in editing. There have been certain days where just two will edit whilst the other two focus on their blogs but for the majority its been all of us sitting together and making the decisions regarding the editing together as a group. This has worked really well as any disagreements have been able to be discussed before there was any permanent damage which has also benefited our time tracking skills as we haven't had more time than necessary redoing things which has given us more time to film and thoroughly edit.

One of the issues we have had with editing was not having the basic knowledge to know how to do some of the more advanced editing elements such editing with a green screen. The way we have overcome this is by looking on the internet for tutorials and asking for our teachers to show us and teach us how to do things. This has helped us and next time we won't need this support as we will already have the knowledge.

Another issue we have had was when we don't all agree on one of the edits. The way we have overcome this is by discussing as a group to try and come to a conclusion. If this hasn't worked and we haven't been able to resolve the issue we have asked for a third opinion to help us sort out this issue. As a group, we have worked collaboratively for the majority of the editing journey and as a result we have had quite a pleasant time so far which has been enjoyable.

For next time the only improvements I would make would be to play around a bit more with our footage before we began to editing. I think this because we weren't as adventurous we could've been because we were following a plan and this made the editing journey very predictable. Additionally, this may allow us to find out new things we never even knew we could do.


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