
Showing posts from April, 2017

Evaluation- Question 7


Evaluation- Question 6

Evaluation- Question 5


Evaluation- Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product? The questionnaire we did during the planning stage presented that the most popular age group for thriller films was fifteen to twenty five. This is something which remains the same. In my questionnaire I found out action thrillers were the most popular genre of thriller enjoyed by my target audience. This is something I have chosen to juxtapose by choosing to do a mystery thriller. This is something I hope my target audience will be adaptable towards. I think our film still meets its target audience. One of the ways we did this was by making our main character, April Greene, someone a lot of our target audience could relate to. Specifically we chose to dress her in jeans, vans and a khaki jacket which most of our target audience probably earn some version of as they came from the shops we found they specifically liked. Another thing way April Green meets our target audience is by her personality. She is a normal teenager who d

Evaluation- Question 3

Evaluation- Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? Firstly, our media product represents the female social group. We do this by having all female cast and this really portrayed the strong feminist image which we were going for. This contradicts the typical thriller cast, however this will make for a more interesting film and therefore might entice a more particular audience. The benefits of our media product representing the female social group is it represents powerful women and shows how strong women are which is a common area of interest among society in today’s time. Additionally, this makes it relatable to a more variety of audience but also touches a more specific audience type meaning it could have either a niche or a mass audience. My media product also represents a teenage social group. Similarly, this social group takes up a large portion of the global population and society has perceived it to have a mostly negative image. This is something we have

Evaluation- Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? My media product is the opening of a thriller film. We chose the story line of the disappearance of a teenage girl. This uses a typical storyline of a thriller film. We did this because it was a storyline which we could use and develop with the support of additional resources. This idea was inspired by BBC 1 series ‘The Missing’ in which a girl returns after she went missing.   A way in which we developed the storyline through the use of other resources is by incorporating the idea of a red van. This was initially my idea which was expanded on by the rest of the group. The effectiveness of the van was, if we had stuck with our original storyline and mise-en-scene, the red of the van would of linked with the investigator’s lipstick which could of shown a theme of villainess, another common convention of the thriller genre. However, we changed the mise-en-scene as red lipst