
Showing posts from March, 2017

Overall Editing Experience and Analysis of Shots

My overall opinion of our editing journey was it was a long one but a great one! We spent a great deal of time together editing, editing in pairs, sometimes individually and that worked well for us. As a group we often work collaboratively in order to make sure the decisions were happily confirmed by everyone in the group. Editing is obviously a very lengthy process and I think we definitely had certain points where we couldn't agree on something and it was frustrating but it was something we worked through. Overall I am incredibly proud of my group and how we worked together when editing something which did take us hours. Shots I edited and analysis of them 1. Establishing shot to long shot to medium close up I edited the first establishing shot of the house which used a sound bridge into the scene with Paige into her bedroom. For this shot I chose to use a sound bridge to interlink the scenes and make it flow better. Commenting on the mise-en-scene, the bleak weather portrays

Our final thriller opening- April

This is our final product, our final thriller opening. Enjoy!

In Action Photos and Analysis

This photo is from our first filming day and shows me and Paige filming the conversation between the inspector and one of April's friends. We had to do, what was supposed to look like, an over the shoulder shot but it didn't really work and therefore we didn't end up using it in our final piece. This shot shows me, Paige and Eleanor looking over one of the shots we filmed of Paige walking down the road. This shot was successful and still features in our end piece. This was our first filming day outside of school. This was me filming Poppy's facial features to show her anxiety. This shot was extremely hard to film because it was an extreme close up we couldn't really use the tripod and this meant I had to make sure my hand was steady. Also we had to make sure the camera was focused and the lighting was good. This shot shows me filming April coming down the stairs and preparing to leave. This shot was okay to film, although I had to be very consi

Filming Experience

Thriller Opening Revisions

We spent a few lessons with a few members of our class and had a little brief discussion with our teachers about our thriller opening to see what they thought and from this we came up with these revisions. They loved our titles as they were barely noticeable and fitted the narrative. They also liked our angles. We need to edit the section where Paige walks down the road as at the moment you can see she stops before walking which looks unnatural. This will also give it a more professional appearance. Additionally for this section we need to cut in sooner. We need to make the sound more dramatic when the van passes Paige to add emphasis to this moment and make it more significant. Alternatively, keep the music the same for that bit and then change it for the rest of the opening. We need to re film the section with the remote as at the moment it looks very unnatural and makes it humorous which is inappropriate for the mood and the genre of the opening. Something else we need t

Analysis of the Second Half of our Storyboards

For our storyboards analysis we have all chosen a shot to taken. I have chosen the last shot of each storyboard to analyse. We chose to make shot 4 a long shot which is panning because we wanted a clear view of around the room and how everyone is positioned. This also builds up suspense, foreshadowing what is going to happen next in the clip. We chose to use a cut to continue with the fast past editing and not make it look abnormal. Shot 7 was a shot reverse shot because it is at the end of a conversation. It shows Poppy inviting in the investigator and portrays the development into the investigation as to where April has gone. This shot is crucial because it involves an outside person coming into April's last place of residence before her disappearance. Additionally, the use of music in the background shows the formality of the situation. Shot 10 is an extreme close up of Poppy's lips. We chose to do this as part of series of shots to show the effect April's