In Action Photos and Analysis

This photo is from our first filming day and shows me and Paige filming the conversation between the inspector and one of April's friends. We had to do, what was supposed to look like, an over the shoulder shot but it didn't really work and therefore we didn't end up using it in our final piece.

This shot shows me, Paige and Eleanor looking over one of the shots we filmed of Paige walking down the road. This shot was successful and still features in our end piece. This was our first filming day outside of school.

This was me filming Poppy's facial features to show her anxiety. This shot was extremely hard to film because it was an extreme close up we couldn't really use the tripod and this meant I had to make sure my hand was steady. Also we had to make sure the camera was focused and the lighting was good.

This shot shows me filming April coming down the stairs and preparing to leave. This shot was okay to film, although I had to be very considerate in where I placed myself to ensure that we could still make it a medium shot. Also we needed it to allow for the camera to pan in the intensity we needed it to.


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