Overall Editing Experience and Analysis of Shots

My overall opinion of our editing journey was it was a long one but a great one! We spent a great deal of time together editing, editing in pairs, sometimes individually and that worked well for us. As a group we often work collaboratively in order to make sure the decisions were happily confirmed by everyone in the group. Editing is obviously a very lengthy process and I think we definitely had certain points where we couldn't agree on something and it was frustrating but it was something we worked through. Overall I am incredibly proud of my group and how we worked together when editing something which did take us hours.

Shots I edited and analysis of them
1. Establishing shot to long shot to medium close up
I edited the first establishing shot of the house which used a sound bridge into the scene with Paige into her bedroom. For this shot I chose to use a sound bridge to interlink the scenes and make it flow better. Commenting on the mise-en-scene, the bleak weather portrays pathetic fallacy for the beginning section of the opening. The wide shot of April on her bed sets the scene and portrays a bit of background information on who April is and builds up her character profile. From this the shot transfers to a medium close-up shot which shows actions at the result of the conversation seen and heard in the previous shot. This builds up suspense for an event which involves the character leaving the current setting. I decided to cut the conversation shot quite short because it should be quite leading at what's going to happen.

2. Close ups of Poppy
I edited these shots so they were quite quick but in time with the music. I particularly had to work quite craftily to build up the sound. I did this to build up suspense. It was quite difficult to place the diegetic sound of the inspector's voice over the non-diegetic sound of the heart beat because we had to balance out the volumes to make them even. My overall view of this was I wanted it to be loud and overwhelming for the audience so they can feel sympathy towards Poppy which is something I think the heart beat portrays beautifully. The heart beat really portrays Poppy's inner feelings and is there to show the effect of April's disappearance on her which it does really well.  I purposed repeated the shots to build the intensity of suspense and give a feel of anxiety. This also looks really effective and is good for emphasise.


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