Thriller Opening Revisions

We spent a few lessons with a few members of our class and had a little brief discussion with our teachers about our thriller opening to see what they thought and from this we came up with these revisions.
  • They loved our titles as they were barely noticeable and fitted the narrative.
  • They also liked our angles.
  • We need to edit the section where Paige walks down the road as at the moment you can see she stops before walking which looks unnatural. This will also give it a more professional appearance.
  • Additionally for this section we need to cut in sooner.
  • We need to make the sound more dramatic when the van passes Paige to add emphasis to this moment and make it more significant.
  • Alternatively, keep the music the same for that bit and then change it for the rest of the opening.
  • We need to re film the section with the remote as at the moment it looks very unnatural and makes it humorous which is inappropriate for the mood and the genre of the opening.
  • Something else we need to focus on is the transitions as they don't flow well and make the opening appear jittery and scatty.
  • We need to do this to develop fluidity.
  • Something we might do to amend the remote control section would be to maybe change it to a match on match shot of me slumping instead to make it look more naturalistic. 
  • At the moment when the investigators walk in there is no acknowledgement of them from the other characters, so maybe we could incorporate something such as the door bell ringing to indicate the investigators arriving and adds some significance to their characters. 
  • We think as a group we have too many characters in the opening for two minutes of footage and you don't get really get a lot of information about any of the characters, just lots of little pieces of information about each character which means the basis for the rest of the film isn't solid enough.
  • We were thinking, to emphasis the character of Poppy Greene more, to have Poppy having a conversation with the investigator by the door or something similar to add emphasis to who she is. 
  • Additionally, this will add dialogue for her which will allow the audience to explore her as a character more from much earlier on. 
  • Something we thought would test our filming skills but allow us to develop opening further would be to incorporate a 360 degree shot of the investigator asking each character present a question in relation to the disappearance of April and the last person will be Poppy.
  • This will add tension to Poppy in preparation for her big section which falls shortly after.
  • The close up we did on Eleanor's face was liked and showed her significance really well.
  • Eleanor and Poppy's conversation will act as a focal point for what made Poppy react in the way she does by running out to get away from it all. 
  • We have decided we are going to make some changes to the ending because at the moment, it doesn't show our full skills with the filming and editing.
  • In comparison with the rest of the footage, it doesn't look good.
From this we will be making some changes and planning where to go from here. Clearly, we need to do some re filming which we have scheduled to do after school on Friday 3rd March. We also have learnt some developments which we will incorporate where appropriate; either when filming or editing. This has been beneficial as it has allowed us to get some crucial feedback which will allow us to make our thriller opening even better. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm enjoying the analysis you have received here from your audiences' feedback and it has given you a lot to consider with regard to improvements for your film. Well done. Make sure that your continuity is good once you add you add to your product.
    Keep going, Hannah - this is good.


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