
Showing posts from January, 2017

Storyboards and analysis

These are the storyboards we are going to follow for our filming. Shot two is the first scene where actual video footage is shown and we have decided its going to be the clip that sets the scene for the opening. I particularly, like the idea of this shot because we will be able to portray the weather which will hopefully be really bleak and therefore portray the emotions which the character is feeling. Shot three is edited with a cut because we wanted to make it as naturalistic as possible. There is sound dialogue of her speaking on the phone to her friend because this makes the atmosphere appear very normal. Also its common convention of a stereotypical teenager. We have decided to use a crab movement to show what April is doing and then show the actual April. Shot four is a close up of April's face and we decided to use this because it portrays how April is feeling about the conversation she just had. Shot five features dialogue of April shouting to her mum about

Analysis of Target Audience Research Questionnaire

I conducted a survey for target audience research. 92 people responded and I have taken the results as percentages to make comparison easier. Question 1: Are you male or female? Results: Male- 8.7% Female- 91.3% Question 2: How old are you? Results: Under 15- 3.26% 15-25- 70.65% Over 25- 26.09% Question 3: Do you watch Thriller films? Results: Yes- 81.52% No- 16.3% Don't know- 2.17% Question 4: What Thriller genre do you find most appealing? Results: Action thriller- 28.26% Crime thriller- 21.74% Erotic thriller- 0.0% Horror thriller- 14.13% Techno-thriller- 0.0% Psychological thriller- 21.74% I don't watch thrillers- 11.96% I don't know- 2.17% Question 5: What's your favourite thing to see in a thriller film? Results: A car chase- 12.22% A flashback- 35.56% Some form of death- 25.56% A runaway- 8.89% The present day- 10% A montage with narration- 3.33% Other (please specify)- 4.44% Other answers: I Yes A twist in th

Analysis of another student's work: Insignia

Analysis of 4 thriller film's openings- The Butterfly Effect

Analysis of 4 thriller films's openings - The Purge: Election Year 2016

Analysis of 4 thriller films's openings - The Women In Black

A discussion we had prior to filming

This was a discussion we had previously prior to filming.

Media Group Filming Schedule- Updated

Thursday 12th January 2017 Recording the news report after school that's going to be featured in our opening scene. Where: In the media studies room at school as it has a green screen Props: a desk that we can use as the news desk, paper to use as documents. Characters: Our teacher, Miss Court as the news reporter, Samantha Jones People that will be there: Paige, Jasmine, Eleanor, Hannah and Miss Court Saturday 14th January 2017 Recording from the establishing shot of April's house to the long shot of the van and April disappearing. Where: My house and the road near where April will disappear from.  Props: April's costume, which consists of black skinny jeans. a hoodie, converse, a hat and a backpack, a red van, a mobile phone and earphones.  Characters: Paige as April Greene.  People that will be there: Paige, Eleanor, Jasmine and Hannah Thursday 19th January 2017 Recording from when April disappears to the last scene with April's sister Poppy.

Initial ideas and brainstorms

Potential storyline plots Kidnapping  Runaway Online stalker Some sort of murder Someone missing Dark history Potential titles Searching for April 3..2..1.. The Disappeared Wanted Red Van  Potential locations The woods An empty street A deserted quarry  Somewhere dark at the top of a grassy hill Potential characters A teenager who has a low self-esteem A middle aged man who has a bad past A small innocent girl A lady who is in her twenties suffering from a mental condition A high achieving teenager 

Our Pitch

Key Moments of Suspense from the Sixth Sense- 3

This is the clip just after Cole has told his Mum he sees dead people. It is the build up to her getting upset. Editing Slow pace editing is used to build suspense because it shows the effect of the news on Cole's mother and how she is absorbing it. It also shows building suspense because it creates the impression there will be some external reaction coming up. Additionally, the use of continuity editing helps to show each character's reaction to what the opposite character is saying. Sound The only sound that features in this clip is diegetic sound. The diegetic sound is the dialogue of Cole and Cole's mother. Cole's mother's dialogue builds suspense because she has long breaks between each time she speaks. This shows her shock. Cole's dialogue is spoken in a slightly whisper and quick tone. This shows his anticipation of his mother's external reaction. Camera Angles The use of close up shots for the entirety of the clip keeps it very familiar so t

Key Moments of Suspense for the Sixth Sense- 2

Sound The use of diegetic sound in the sixth sense portrays Malcolm talking in a calm manner. This implies he is un-expecting of anything major to happen. The effect of background music fading in and it gets louder as Cole talks more seriously. The background music is non-diegetic sound. Additionally, the way he whispers builds suspense because this implies something is wrong because it isn't his normal speaking tone. Camera angles The effect of a long held over the shoulder shot of Malcolm whilst he is talking creates empathy from the audience to Malcolm because he is talking about something very personal to him and he is sharing it with Cole. This also shows the closeness of their relationship which is very touching. Additionally, a zoom in shot is used to build suspense because it shows the intensity of what Cole has just said and shows how important it is in the film. Another shot used to build suspense is a match on match shot. The speed of it is slow and this is used to b