Analysis of Target Audience Research Questionnaire

I conducted a survey for target audience research. 92 people responded and I have taken the results as percentages to make comparison easier.

Question 1:
Are you male or female?

Male- 8.7%
Female- 91.3%

Question 2:
How old are you?

Under 15- 3.26%
15-25- 70.65%
Over 25- 26.09%

Question 3:
Do you watch Thriller films?

Yes- 81.52%
No- 16.3%
Don't know- 2.17%

Question 4:
What Thriller genre do you find most appealing?

Action thriller- 28.26%
Crime thriller- 21.74%
Erotic thriller- 0.0%
Horror thriller- 14.13%
Techno-thriller- 0.0%
Psychological thriller- 21.74%
I don't watch thrillers- 11.96%
I don't know- 2.17%

Question 5:
What's your favourite thing to see in a thriller film?

A car chase- 12.22%
A flashback- 35.56%
Some form of death- 25.56%
A runaway- 8.89%
The present day- 10%
A montage with narration- 3.33%
Other (please specify)- 4.44%

Other answers:
  • I
  • Yes
  • A twist in the plot
  • Paranormal

Question 6:
Which title for a thriller film do you find most appealing?

Searching for April- 23.08%
3..2..1..- 29.67%
The Disappeared- 29.67%
Red Van- 10.99%
Another suggestion- 6.59%

Suggestions received:
  • I don't watch thrillers
  • The resolve
  • The day it all went wrong
  • San Andreas
  • u
  • None
From my results I now know that the majority of people who completed my survey were female. However, this could be biased as I asked more females than males to complete it. The most people who completed the survey were between 15 and 25. This is helpful as this is my target audience age group. From the sample I can say most people like thriller films which means our thriller opening will grab people's attention. Action thrillers is the most popular thriller genre. This suggests the genre of our thriller opening should be action thriller as it grabs most people's attention. Although, we could challenge this. A flash back was the most popular element people like to see in thriller films. From this, I will work with my group to see if we can ensure we have some form of flashback in our opening. The two titles which most appealed to people were '3..2..1..' and 'The Disappeared' so we may use either one of those.


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