Key Moments of Suspense for the Sixth Sense- 2

The use of diegetic sound in the sixth sense portrays Malcolm talking in a calm manner. This implies he is un-expecting of anything major to happen. The effect of background music fading in and it gets louder as Cole talks more seriously. The background music is non-diegetic sound. Additionally, the way he whispers builds suspense because this implies something is wrong because it isn't his normal speaking tone.

Camera angles
The effect of a long held over the shoulder shot of Malcolm whilst he is talking creates empathy from the audience to Malcolm because he is talking about something very personal to him and he is sharing it with Cole. This also shows the closeness of their relationship which is very touching. Additionally, a zoom in shot is used to build suspense because it shows the intensity of what Cole has just said and shows how important it is in the film. Another shot used to build suspense is a match on match shot. The speed of it is slow and this is used to build suspense because its creates an atmosphere to suggest that everything is okay and doesn't foreshadow the next clip, almost making it a surprise.

Continuity editing is used to build suspense by creating lots of different perspectives. This builds suspense because it creates a very undecided opinion of what Cole is about to say.

The use of dark ambient lighting implies suspense because it makes the scene appear eerier. Additionally, the scene being set in a room in a hospital adds to the suspense because hospitals are general associated with scary things. In particular, Cole holding the blanket to his neck shows he is vulnerable and creates suspense for what he is about to say is out of character for a stereotypical young boy like him.


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