Media Group Filming Schedule- Updated

Thursday 12th January 2017

  • Recording the news report after school that's going to be featured in our opening scene.
  • Where: In the media studies room at school as it has a green screen
  • Props: a desk that we can use as the news desk, paper to use as documents.
  • Characters: Our teacher, Miss Court as the news reporter, Samantha Jones
  • People that will be there: Paige, Jasmine, Eleanor, Hannah and Miss Court
Saturday 14th January 2017
  • Recording from the establishing shot of April's house to the long shot of the van and April disappearing.
  • Where: My house and the road near where April will disappear from. 
  • Props: April's costume, which consists of black skinny jeans. a hoodie, converse, a hat and a backpack, a red van, a mobile phone and earphones. 
  • Characters: Paige as April Greene. 
  • People that will be there: Paige, Eleanor, Jasmine and Hannah
Thursday 19th January 2017
  • Recording from when April disappears to the last scene with April's sister Poppy.
  • Where: Hannah's house, in her living room and on her driveway.
  • Props: The TV, furniture in Hannah's living room, Poppy's costume, which consists of casual clothing, the investigator's, Susan Richmond's, outfit, which consists of smart, professional clothing. 
  • Characters: Susan Richmond, played by Eleanor, Samantha Jones, played by Miss Court, Poppy Greene, played by Lacey Anderson, Jessica, played by Jasmine, then Hannah, Laura and Shannon as extras. 
  • People that will be there: Paige, Eleanor, Jasmine, Hannah, Laura, Shannon and Lacey. 
Friday 10th February 2017
  • Refilming everything we did on Thursday 19th January 2017 with the same people.


  1. Make sure that you update this schedule to show what has been completed and what still needs attention. You have some re-filming to do, so make sure that you blog about what and why you are redoing it.
    Mrs H


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